
Noise and Vibration at Work

ACCON has vast expertise to assist employers to become compliant with required Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 and Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005. Because employers are responsible to act in order to safeguard their employees health and safety, they must: - access the risks to employees form the noise and vibration in the workplace - take the necessary actions to reduce the noise and vibration exposure that may harm the employers - provide the necessary hearing protection to reduce harmful noise exposure to an acceptable level - make sure legal limits on noise and vibration exposure are not exceeded - provide information, instructions and adequate training to all employees - and carry out health surveys where there is a risk to employees health To help you with comprehensive advice please on how to reduce you noise and vibration at work please call our team on 0118 971 0000.

Visit the ACCON UK Ltd website for more information on Noise and Vibration at Work


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