
KS-Series Production Control

KS-Series Production Control

Our KS-Series software provides automated production control and scheduling for both single and multiple batching And mixing process lines. The software operates upon a Microsoft Windows platform and has been developed to have a similar appearance and functionality to that of commonly used Windows software programs.

The bespoke software is based around a Sequel Server database system which permits real time access from multiple terminals. The database houses all raw materials together with specific mixing or process functions from which individual recipe's or compounds can be created.

Once a recipe has been created and saved it can be added to the schedule list for production where numerous batch specific settings can be applied such as total quantity, scale factor etc.

Created recipes are all given individual reference numbers and can be copied, pasted and edited to create a new formula.

The system stores all completed batch data including target weight, actual weight and specific data as batch logs which can be printed, exported or simply saved for future reference. These batch logs can be located by performing a date range, compound type or material inclusion search at any time. Each KS-Series software package is custom developed for the customer to incorporate their specific production requirements, unnecessary options are removed from the interface to keep the system user friendly and as simple as possible. Like wise additional functionality can be added for more complex production requirements.

Visit the C J Waterhouse Co Ltd website for more information on KS-Series Production Control


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