
shipbuilding cable installation management

At Cloudis we believe that several factors are key to our success: * Our responsiveness to customer needs * Our database expertise * Our integration capabilities * Our knowledge of engineering requirements * Our attention to detail It is extremely rare that we implement a system in isolation of other engineering disciplines and processes. We spend time and effort to understand and use existing applications and data which would add value to the use of our software. This is the main reason that we have concentrated on ‘neutral’ file formats to import and export data from other applications. Of course, where closer integration is beneficial we have the expertise to build the relevant links.Being an independent company also means that we can respond to customer needs quickly and efficiently. Cloudis’ directors are involved in day-to-day contact with customers and as such ensure that their needs are the company’s top priority.Between them Cloudis staff have decades of development experience as well as expertise in engineering applications. The directors have all worked for major international companies in the engineering design and construction market. As such we bring both IT and process knowledge to bear in developing and implementing our solutions.Our distributors have all been operating in the engineering sector for many years and have been selected carefully to ensure that they have the skills and focus to support our products efficiently.Our SoftwareOur software products are: * CMPIC - cable management software for controlling the design, routing and installation of all types of cabling. The software can be used in single or multiple project environments and includes optional Configuration Management capabilities. Building on experience with our ICEPIC product, which has been in use since 1996, CMPIC offers a depth and breadth of functionality which is unrivalled for shipbuilding, power, offshore and other large engineering construction projects. * ICEPAC - for records and document management. * V9 - for the development of Web based applications, particularly for document management and workflow-based applications.

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