
How Many Washroom Dispensers Do Businesses Need?


Providing the right number of washroom dispensers and facilities is not only important to ensure you have enough facilities for your current and future staff, but also to ensure it is cost effective and fulfils your legal obligations.


The number of washroom dispensers you install, including paper towel dispensers, toilet roll dispensers, and sanitary products dispensers will vary depending on staff numbers, and projected number of total users including customers and visitors. The minimum number of toilet stalls you need is dictated by law, and this number will help you determine the number of dispensers required.

The importance of providing sufficient commercial washroom facilities


There are several reasons why you need to carefully consider how many washroom dispensers and user facilities your business needs, which we will address below.


Poor accessibility due to mismanaged washrooms can affect the efficiency and productivity of your workforce, and mean facilities become dirty and unhygienic more quickly, resulting in an increased need for essential cleaning and maintenance, and a potentially less pleasant user experience. Washrooms which are below capacity for the number of people using them may also face consumable issues, for example running out of toilet paper.

Legal requirements

When planning workplace commercial washrooms, you need to adhere to the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, which outlines the basic number of sanitary conveniences and washing facilities a business should provide.

The Health and Safety Executive states that the minimum requirements for commercial washrooms are:

  • Enough toilets and washbasins for those expected to use them - see table below
  • Agreed reasonable adjustments for workers with disabilities, for example, a worker with prostate cancer
  • Separate facilities for men and women, except where each toilet is in a separate room lockable from the inside
  • Somewhere to dispose of menstrual items such as tampons or sanitary pads
  • Clean facilities – preferably with walls and floors tiled (or covered in suitable waterproof material) to make them easier to clean
  • A supply of toilet paper 
  • Facilities that are well lit and ventilated
  • Hot and cold, or warm, running water
  • Enough soap or other washing agents
  • A basin large enough to wash hands, and forearms if necessary
  • A way of drying hands, such as paper towels or a hot-air, working dryer
  • Showers where necessary, for particularly dirty work

How to calculate the number of washroom facilities you need

Whilst the Workplace Regulations 1992 outline the minimum number of facilities, more facilities may be necessary, particularly if breaks are taken at set times, if establishments (such as production facilities) have peak times, or if workers finish work together and need to wash before leaving. Peak times can apply to a wide range of verticals, for example cinemas, sports and event centres and shopping centres. Businesses may see a large increase in users at certain times of day, such as train stations and motorway services, or at certain times of year such as bank holidays and Christmas.

Guidance for all washroom facilities should be adapted to the workforce/customer profile and nature of work/business undertaken.

Number of facilities needed per number of people at work in mixed workplaces

The following table shows the number of toilets and washbasins you are required to provide by law. The number of washroom dispensers you need to install, such as toilet roll dispensers and paper towel dispensers can be calculated from this.


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