Christmas 2022 Shutdown
We are winding down for the Holiday period from midday on the 22nd December, our offices will be closed between 23rd December and 2nd January, returning as normal on Tuesday, 3rd January.
As always we will remain reachable via Email and our Website Chat Message Service throughout the holiday break although response times may naturally be a little slower than typically expected as we all take a well earned break, ready to go again in 2023.
Christmas Message From Hague Fasteners
As 2022 draws to a close and we all start to wind down for the Festive Holiday Season, I would like to take a moment to thank you for your part played during the year.
2022 has been another year of growth and development, with new machinery, additional production staff and further improvements to our Critial Safety Assured Quality Management Systems.
We continue to be one of the very few, if not only, SME Special Fastener manufacturers that are operating at Net Zero, a Carbon Negative operation, and are proud to have planted over 500 Trees in the developing world under our Tree Planting Project ‘The Hague Forest, in Madagascar, Kenya and Haiti, with over 160 Tons of CO2 Sequestration to aid the future sustainability of our planet.
I look forward to working alongside you in 2023 with any Special Projects where Custom Precision Engineered Components are needed with the very best in Customer Service and Support.
2022 has been a very successful year again for us, we have added even more clients to our large portfolio and continue to assit on major Global projects, whilst helping with small individual restoration jobs and everything in between, we are proud as ever to offer our expertise no matter how big or small a demand may be.
We look forward to continuing our journey into our 52nd Year in 2023 and further developing the relationship between our Companies.
Thanks again for being part of our journey, I wish you and yours a Very Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year.
With thanks and best wishes
Jon Hague and the all the team at Hague FastenersVisit the Hague Fasteners Ltd website for more information on Christmas 2022 Shutdown