Does A Lack Of Advanced Digital Technology Harm UK Manufacturing?
Despite the plethora of digital processes in the modern economy, recent research indicates that 96% of UK manufacturers feel there has been an underinvestment in digitisation in their sector.
The survey results span a diverse range of areas, from aerospace and defence to medical instruments and electronics, but the sentiments were consistent. Survey respondents overwhelmingly felt that overreliance on legacy technologies was harming the UK's manufacturing industries' prospects.
So, what exactly are the problems with digital underinvestment, and what can be done to improve the sector's performance and reputation?
The Trouble With Digital Hesitancy
Perhaps shockingly, given the wealth of digital solutions available for ERP, CRM and other applications, many SME manufacturers are still using spreadsheets to process their data. These legacy mechanisms are clunky and error-prone, lacking the verification and algorithmic efficiencies afforded by dedicated software solutions. Their unsuitability for the task often leads to spiralling ad-hoc solutions that are usually complicated and brittle. Above all, they are slow and inefficient for business.
Outdated systems also make it hard to manage supply chains, and accurately monitor performance – increasingly crucial factors for businesses hit by disruptive world events and spiralling costs.
They also make it difficult to track and share data. Without accountability and monitoring, it can be hard to assess the process performance or business initiatives, and forward planning becomes less precise.
Business Results Of Inadequate Technology
Talent is a company's most vital asset. If companies cannot attract it, they risk missing business innovations and expansion opportunities. But excess reliance on legacy technology makes it increasingly challenging to attract the next generation of talent. These young innovators are often drawn to companies and sectors that embrace modern systems and technological change, not those stuck in the past.
Using The Appropriate Tools
For success, businesses must use the tools appropriate to the task. Transition to advanced digital technology won't happen overnight, but companies should waste no time in creating a digital development strategy that covers the next 5-10 years. As a first step, proper control of business data is vital and should come before upgrading manufacturing technology.
For an SME of our size, we find @RedantProductionControl the perfect solution.
It’s a powerful and professional production control system which is user friendly and simplistic in its functionality, and it manages our entire operation.
The comprehensive list of fantastic features and applications help us to not only adhere to EN 9100 & ISO 9001 but ensures we have traceability to Rolls Royce standards; monitoring and measurement of processes using Real Time Data Collection enabling accurate costing and financial performance analysis; and every possible KPI can be reported upon via Crystal Reports.
Yes, there are more well-known and complex systems out there, but for an SME of our size, we, and our team, find this to be the perfect solution to help us remain professional, proficient, and profitable.
It’s also a system which develops alongside its users.
Any ideas for improvements are implemented free of charge as long as they benefit the other users. Bespoke tailoring is available through a variety of switches to enable you to turn on or off certain features which may not be appropriate or applicable to your business.
It’s this type of adaptability, flexibility and user friendliness which allows us to save time, reduce costs and yet compliments and enhances our continuous improvement programme.
It’s also really competitively priced, and to make it easier for SMEs to implement, Redant will offer a FREE data conversion service for anyone using a compatible system – plus a 20% trade-in discount – until the end of this year! This ensures no downtime, no resource for data input and means you can be in full control of our business, and its performance, within a few short days!
For more information, contact @AndreaWilson at or Redant Production Control directly at the Hone-All Precision Ltd website for more information on Does A Lack Of Advanced Digital Technology Harm UK Manufacturing?