
Verder Blogspot January 21st 2014


The hustle and bustle of the holidays is finally over. The annoying relatives are gone, the hideous Christmas jumpers safely tucked away in the back of the wardrobe and the unwanted presents returned to the store. After almost two weeks of shenanigans, we’re back at the Verder office - pumps working at maximum capacity – ready to turn all our New Year’s resolutions into reality. Speaking of which, we’d love to hear what resolutions you’ve set for the New Year. However easy stuff, like not hitting the snooze button every morning doesn’t really count, I’m afraid. As much as we’d like to, we can’t really help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions if you’ve decided to “tame the bulge” or “cut down on chocolate – honestly, I promise”. But we can help if, instead of chocolate, you’d like to give up spending too much of your budget on energy. Reduce energy use I don’t know about you, but here at Verder we take excess energy consumption very seriously. Of course, all our specialised pumping solutions are efficient and reliable, which is why we’re so proud of them. However, even we have to admit that when it comes to saving energy, the Verderhus screw channel pump range takes the biscuit. The working principle is that the pump contains an impeller that looks and works like a corkscrew. Housed in a cone-shaped casing, the impeller rotates and gently pushes the fluid away. The principle reduces blockages to a minimum, which – along with the pump’s wide discharge port – guarantees you’ll no longer encounter problems with long fibres or thick fluids. In fact, this pump champion is so well designed that its efficiency actually increases as the viscosity of the fluid becomes higher. The Verderhus can handle solids up to 13 per cent. Comparative tests have shown that the Verderhus screw channel pump achieves the excellent efficiency in comparison with other pumps on the market. And we all know what the phrase; best efficiency – saves on energy. Ok, possibly not the most scintillating truism ever posted on a blog, but it’s definitely true in this case. The Verderhus can deliver a low energy usage that stays almost constant, even at higher flow ratings. The low energy consumption of Verderhus pumps also goes hand in hand with low operating and maintenance costs. This means less wear on the pumps and a longer product lifecycle. All these features make Verderhus pumps perfect for applications in agriculture, the food and beverage industry, power stations, the paper and pulp sector and many more. Shed those extra parts I’m sure I’m not alone in making the resolution to drop a few pounds in the New Year. So what if you did the same for your company and decided to try and shed all the extra parts, which only make production sluggish? From a pumping solution point of view, in order to do so, you’d be looking at something like the Verderflex peristaltic hose and tube pumps. As you might have guessed from the name, these pumps work by alternating compression and relaxation of the hose or tube. This draws the fluid in and then gently releases it. The medium is completely contained within the tube, irrespective of whether you choose the robust heavy-duty or precision model, and never comes into contact with any of the moving parts of the pump. This working principle ensures that the only part of the pump which wears out is the hose. Easy as pie, Verderflex pumping solutions have a brilliant record in pumping abrasive, corrosive and shear sensitive fluids and have proven their worth in mining, water treatment, chemical, printing, food and beverage applications, and many others. Give up using inferior products By far the best New Year’s resolution any company could make is to refrain from compromising quality in favour of lower purchasing costs. Like a cheap washing machine that floods your entire house just before your big date, an inferior pumping solution can cause more trouble than it’s worth. To minimise the risk of pump failures, all Verder pumping solutions, dosing systems and turnkey packages reflect the highest industry standards. This results in low maintenance costs and an extended lifecycle, which helps save money in the long run. Regardless of what sector you operate in or the type of application your company is using, give us a call on 01924 221 001 if you’d like to have a chat about how Verder pumping solutions could improve your company’s operations. We’re very happy to help you fulfil the New Year’s resolutions you’ve made for your business. Unless of course, they refer to eating less chocolate or giving up smoking.

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