
New Website Launched


17th January 2012 If your reading this then you have already found us. Today in conjunction with our internet partners we have launched a new website that demonstrates our capability, not only in machining but also further introduces some of our new services being introduced with customers as we develop further as a business. "Its took us along time to realise it but the internet and a succssful website, is now fundamental to any business" - explained Pete Saunders Managing DIrector. "The whole design process and modifactions made to get a good final output have been at times challenging but also enlightening, to see the process now complete is great", he added. We aim to continue working on the website and adding more content on a regular basis, to get Castle recognised by a wider community of customers through tools provided by clevercherry to get our website actively viewed. Our thanks to Clevercherry team

Visit the Castle Engineering Co (Bolsover) Ltd website for more information on New Website Launched


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