
Factorydesign broadens its ownership structure


Factorydesign has restructured, setting up a share scheme for its employees so that they can directly benefit from the future success of the 17-year-old business. Factory’s new shareholders are Matthew Fiddimore and James Tanner, who are already both Associates, along with Lindsay Ricks, Loftus Hall, Ryan Graham, Rachael Gartside and Phil Harrison. The scheme will also be open to future employees. Meanwhile, the three owners and Directors – Creative Directors Adrian Berry and Adam White, and Managing Director Peter Tennent – remain majority shareholders and will retain executive control. The restructure has been put in place with one eye on the future, and in the certain knowledge that the current team is as talented, strong and experienced as it has ever been.

Visit the Factorydesign website for more information on Factorydesign broadens its ownership structure


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