Following the green plastics path
Of course, the media would never forsake facts in its quest for a good story…
Which is why the public drubbing of plastics has compelled us to spell out exactly what is going on in our industry and its impact on the future packaging of your products – all positive, by the way!
The truth is: with oil accounting for a mere 4% of the plastics production process, plastics in general do more good than harm:
Reducing transport costs: minimum-weight packaging saves 27 million tonnes of oil in the UK per year.
Reducing food wastage (from farm to retail): from 50% in undeveloped countries to 3-4% in the developed world.
Promoting the growth of recycling: with the industry moving from oil to bio-based alternatives such as:
‘Green polyethylene’: produced from sugar cane ethanol, a renewable source reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Compostable materials: resins for across-the-range applications from carrier bags to food packaging. Degrading by 90% in just 180 days, consumers can simply and safely consign household packaging waste to the compost at the bottom of the garden.
Although in its early days, significant inroads are being made into the production of ethical plastics and Phase 3 Plastics is making sure it is firmly on the green plastics path alongside FMCG giants such as Procter & Gamble.
This positive trend will eventually make eco-friendly plastics more accessible and affordable for all our customers, not to mention safer for the planet.
Oh, and a few more plastic packaging ‘facts for thought’…
£2.7 billion in sales per year.
Jobs for thousands of people.
A 72% annual recycling rate for plastic milk bottles.
A 1% bio-materials share in the total plastics market.Visit the Phase 3 Plastics Ltd website for more information on Following the green plastics path