
Plastics ManufacturerTweets & Posts


Tefloturn now has a presence on Twitter. Look out for the Twitter icon in the header of each of our website pages and use it to click through to our social media messages. We’ll be pushing out announcements like this and our latest news via social media on an occasional basis, so you can now keep up to date with topical info from your favourite plastics manufacturer and supplier! Please don’t rely on Twitter to contact us though. You’ll get a fast response, as ever, via email and the personal touch too by phoning us on 01485 600684 or 01263 860001. Don’t forget, you can fax us via 01485 600684 or 0871 315 1991

Visit the Tefloturn Ltd website for more information on Plastics ManufacturerTweets & Posts


More News

  • Acetal Parts for Bouncepad Touch Tablet Accessories

  • New Website

  • New Star Machine for a Sliding Head Capacity for up to 20 mm!

  • Acetal Pipe Clips for the Mars Rover project