
Rennie Energy Case Study - 31 May 2013


- Rennie Energy is a small Yorkshire company with a big reputation for quality and service. It has been around for 30 years providing roofing and maintenance services for clients of all types and sizes, mostly in the Leeds area.Passionate about green energy, its managing director, David Rennie, decided to specialise in solar PV installations early in 2010 as his customers were showing an increasing interest in this form of energy and this seemed one good way that his company might help its customers to do their bit for the planet. - To begin with, his dedicated teams of installers faced the same problems that all installers came up against – the building of complex switching systems in small roof spaces. They would aim to complete an installation in a day, but it was not unusual to find the job rolling into the next day. As David says: “When we came across the Crompton Combi range, we found that all the switches, the inverters and isolators are in one place, and it makes it easy for installation – we wire into the Combi-switch and we’re away.” This has given his company the ability to increase speed of installation considerably. - He now has five dedicated teams of solar PV installers, working for a wide mix of clients. He says that these teams can often complete the installation of two solar arrays in one day with the help of the Crompton Combi range, and this improvement in productivity has greatly increased profitability. - Rennie Energy shares Crompton’s attitude to quality and service, and offers ironclad guarantees for its customers, including 25 years for its solar panels. The Combi Switch has enabled Rennies to increase productivity while maintaining the high quality standards the company has long been proud to offer its customers.

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